Friday, January 17, 2020

Part 2 --- 25 Ways To make Your Day By Barbara Johnson

 Image result for John 15:11 kjv
1.     Do the first more drudgerous  job on your list with a smile.
2.     Reward yourself by listening to a great piece of music.
3.     Prepare for surprises:  life's most treasured moments come unannounced.
4.     Clean and organize one drawer in your house.
5.     Write a note to someone you don't know well just to say, "Hi, how are you?"
6.      Start a journal if you don't already have one.  Write down 5 things you are thankful for today.

7.     Believe you deserve to be happy.  Say, "I open my arms wide to the very best GOD has for            me  today!"
8.     Find something to laugh about today.  If all else fails, go get a joke book from the library,                call the funniest person you know, or read this:
           What do you get when you cross an insomniac, an agnostic, and a dyslexic?
             Answer:  A person who lies awake at night trying to decide if there really is a doG.

9.      Do something artsy.  Dance to Mozart.  Redecorate one wall.  Paint a picture.  Write a poem.
10.    Smile at yourself in the mirror.  Wink back.
11.    Protect your enthusiasm from the negativity of others.
           Avoid toxic people today.  If you run into one anyway, treat yourself to a double latte.
12.   Take a warm loaf of bread to an elderly person or shut-in.
13.   Take a power nap.

14.    Think about this:  If you were going to die tomorrow and were allowed to make only one
          call, who would you call and what would you say?  Now, make that call. 
15.    Remember this:  If you cheat on your diet you gain in the "end." 
16.    Make eye contact with every person you meet and give a hug to at least half of them.
17.    Relish small pleasures.

18.    Hold all things loosely and mean it when you say, "Whatever, LORD!"
19.    Pray for somebody who has offended you.
20.    Don't allow a problem to be solved to become more important than a person to be loved.
21.    Take the word struggle out of your vocabulary and replace it with the word adventure
22.    Take one step toward mending a broken relationship.

23.    Know this:  The present is what slips by us while we're pondering the past and worrying about
         the future.  Live in the now.

24.    Remember when you were five (5) years old and just finding out how wonderful you were?
         Write down the first memory that comes to mind.

25.    Ask yourself:  What am I doing today that will bring me closer to where I want to be tomorrow?
         If you don't like your circumstances, find a new way to think about them.

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