Monday, February 18, 2013

Do not be deceived:  "Evil company corrupts good habits." 
 I Corinthians 15:33

        With that being mentioned in the above scripture, I would like to make reference of the fact that what you hang around will probably eventually rub off on you and your good habits.  People, really do seem to pick up on the habits and ways that other people do things in life.  So, with that being said,  we really do need to watch out who we hang with, and whose habits we seem to catch on to.  Next thing, you know, we are copying the company that we are keeping.
         This is a very informative, but short scripture.  This scripture goes right to the point.  We all need to take notice and take heed to this information.  We will all be much better off.  We all started off with good habits, I assume, until we ended up with evil company.  I'm not talking just about bad company, but evil company.  There is a difference between evil and bad.  Evil is worse than bad.  Therefore, watch out, and don't be fooled around.
       One way I think, we can help ourselves to not be corrupted with evil company, is to not watch evil things on our TVs,  movies, and our Projectors For TV.  We can all start there.  There are so many good, positive, and healthy things to choose to look at on our TVs.  We really just have to be proactive and choose to only watch good and healthy things.  We can pick good and healthy movies to watch at the theaters, and at home on our TV Projector.  Let us not be desensitized in this day and time of our life!

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