60 Relationship Questions

- How do you feel about how much time you spend together?
- Would you say that your partner understands what you are feeling?
- How important is it for you to equally divvy up chores?
- How much alone time do you need?
- How content are you with the amount of non-sexual affection in the relationship?
- The two of you are hitting the great outdoors. What would you prefer to spend the day doing?
- What would you prefer to do on a Saturday night?
- How would you rate your kissing?
- Do you think you and your partner share the same values?
- Do you think a couple’s finances should be together or separate?
- Do you think you and your partner share the same values?
- Where would you choose to live right now—the city, the suburbs, a small town, or somewhere rural/isolated?
- Given the realities of your current life, how often would you like to have sex?
- What kind of vacation would you enjoy most?
- When it comes to “the baby question,” how do you feel? Do you want kids?
- How important is physical chemistry to you?
- What is the best gift your partner could give you?
- How do you feel about traveling outside the country?
- What’s the main way you show your love?
- If your partner had close friends of the opposite sex, how would you feel?
- How big of a role does spirituality or religion play in your life??
- When you and your partner disagree, what do you say to resolve it?
- How do you feel about physical fitness?
- What do you do when your partner feels sad?
- How do you feel about your exes?
- How do you feel about your partner’s exes?
- How do you think you and your partner handle fights?
- How important is sex to you?
- How do you like to spend your free time?
- How do you feel about what your partner does for a living?
- How does your partner feel about what you do for a living?
- How do you respond when your partner is very late to meet you?
- Do you know about the first time your partner had sex?
- When do you think it’s the right time for people to meet each other’s parents/families?
- When life gets you down, how do you deal with it?
- When there’s nothing to eat in the fridge, what do you do?
- What are the most difficult topics for you to share with your partner?
- What makes you feel most loved?
- How do you feel about being interrupted?
- How do you want to be treated when you’re down or depressed?
- Whose death would hit you the hardest?
- Would you take a more interesting job for a steep pay cut?
- What do you think happens after you die?
- How do you express your creative side?
- If you could do anything for work and not worry about money, what would you do?
- What do you do when you can’t go to sleep?
- Who was your childhood best friend?
- What’s your relationship with your parents like?
- Do you like being the center of the attention or prefer to stand back?
- What’s your greatest fear?
- What was your favorite year of life?
- What’s your favorite book?
- What do you do when you have to have a hard conversation with someone?
- Where in world would you most like to visit?
- What’s your hidden talent?
- What was your favorite subject in school?
- Do you avoid conflict with your partner?
- Do you like to get the good new or the bad news first?
- What, if any, holiday traditions do you have?
- Do you set goals for yourself?
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